I've learned to live with the chaos having a family. The unscheduled and unplanned events that come up with motherhood. I understand my ability to be fluid is due to my personality, my upbringing and personal experience. I have to remind myself not all my family members are willing to be that fluid. I ask my husband why he gets so irritated when plans change and his answer is always the same. " I like to plan ahead and know what to expect". This my other half who grew up as an only child and did not have to share a room, compromise with a sibling, care for a younger sibling can be narcissistic at times who cannot relate to how I grew up. I on the other hand always compromising and mediating between my brothers.
I watch my girls navigate through their conversations, arguments and texts with friends. In a way, they have an advantage over my husband. The skill of being flexible is useful throughout life. I watch my husband navigate through raising our kids and see frustration build because having a teen, tween and newborn makes it hard to schedule priorities, leaving the house on time, arriving to our destination without an emotional meltdown or explosion of some sorts..usually involving a diaper and clothing change. So different from his rigid military experience. Having children teaches you to adapt and patience.
This week as I watched the news, I was reminded of 9-11 and hearing how terrorist attacks was close to home. I started texting my husband about the moments ensued and knew his non response was due to his work related knowledge. I waited till he came home and the kids settled for bed to find out what he knew. I take it for granted, feeling protected and safe. We live in a quiet suburban community. We had to address what happened in the same city my daughter practices for soccer. Kids from my daughters team affected by this tragedy. Colleagues and former classmates in close proximity of the events. I pray fiercely for those who protect us. I weep for the families who lost loved ones. I hope for peace and good will. The events that took place as I got background information while watching the news was chilling.
In my chaos of raising a young family, maintaining my business, I pause. Thankful for the co-existence of peace in my heart during this upheaval of evil in this world. Admiring the multiple agencies for stepping up and working together and it reminds of the good in this world. I pray everyday and each year my birthday wish is for peace in this.world. Love is the key. Let's make a change for the better. Love one another! For you, our children, our community and our world. We start at home. It starts with action. We set the example of showing love. Not war, hatred, fear or malicious actions..I choose to be the first rather than the last. Even if it not the norm. I will choose right over wrong. Love over war. Peace versus Fight. Good instead of Evil..it's my foundation and faith which has brought me to this self awareness. I will be fluid to make change for the better my goal.