This summer was about reunions. Spending time with family and friends and making time with them outside of family celebration like a wedding or funeral. But, just as life is expected we lost some family members which is yet another reminder to relish our time together.

My girls enjoyed seeing my extended family from out of town and was our first experience flying with our toddler. And, being 7 1/2 months pregnant with our 4th child proved to be challenging but learned to just go with the flow.
As I reflect another summer that has flown by, I am beyond thankful for the shared experiences we had and the opportunity my husband gave us to enjoy Seattle and camping at Newport Dunes. We had numerous late nights of stories, dancing, swimming, singing and laughter.
Because I am expecting my 4th child, I didn't make a planned itinerary for the trips or summer. We got to sleep in, visit spontaneous places and it turned out great. I allowed the older girls choose sights to visit because I know I only have a few more years to have them vacation with us before they are college bound.
And, we hit milestones in our family for our 2 year old who weaned out of her bottle and has had some successful potty training moments. We celebrated her 2nd birthday with a first time visit to Disneyland. My pregnancy teen turning "13" and welcoming womanhood. I contemplated having red moon party but she didn't think it was funny. And, my 15 year old starting to study for her driving permit. It is all happening in such a flash. It has overwhelmed me when I try to process it all and the hormones don't help too.

I've got 4 weeks until out family becomes a family of 6 to make us complete. Of all my pregnancies, this has been one of the fastest. Life has just flown by. It makes me almost want to slow things down but then again each new chapter is so much fun to see my girls grow into the young women they are becoming. Our conversations are filled with depth and thoughtfulness. Watching them mature and make healthy and wise decisions for their futures brings me hope. Even with all the turmoil in this world, terrorist attack in Barcelona, Spain and violence in Virginia, I am fervent in prayer to continue to teach love, tolerance and peace within my household. My prayer is they exhibit in their actions at home and school with family, friends and strangers because our world needs more examples of it.
This summer was eye opening to see how family and friends who are committed to maintaining relationships. I usually, am the first to coordinate groups in my circle but with all the changes happening in our household, I refrained. It was refreshing to hear from long time friends and extended family, it's nice when you can just pick up from where you left off like no time has passed. It also, reminded that it's easy to let time pass but we are never guaranteed another day so we should make a concerted effort. And, I am reminded to tell and show my loved ones how much they care to me and let go of my own biases, hurt and pride which can get in the way of any healthy relationship grow.
For the rest of the year, my wish is to find some balance as we experience a transition of having a newborn and making time to nurture our relationships and not neglect our own needs. I am able to communicate effectively, honestly and ask for help when needed. And, when it all comes undone, I take each day as new and remind myself each day is a new opportunity to come back together and learn with each other.