Monday, April 22, 2013

Sleep deprived

One the benefits of having insomnia is the ability to work on projects I would normally set on the side during the day. As I prepare for the upcoming week of championship soccer games, teaching, kids school schedule and Catelyn's catechism, I'm immediately overwhelmed with thought about which day or task takes priority. While gathering my thoughts, I get distracted by the thoughts of food and gathering. So, naturally, I decide to cook. And, boy do I cook and bake. Till 5am!! I'm so going to be dying at the championship game tonight. Might I add, I volunteered to have the rosary at our home tonight. What was I thinking? Obviously, I overbooked as usual. This seems to be my M.O. Arghh! I really need to get out of this pattern. It's causing undue stress. This may be one of the reasons I have had this cough for 2 1/2 months.

After a couple of hours of cooking, I end up with fresh mushroom marinara sauce with pasta, frijoles, Quaker oatmeal cookie muffins with Nestle chocolate chips and Heath toffee bits, Steele oats and meat stew with vegetables. Not bad! I've got all three meals ready and maybe able to sneak in a mid-day nap before the game.

Before I get the girls up for the day, I use the time for meditation and reflections from the past weekend. And, it was glorious. Thank goodness because it was also a roller coaster of emotions. The events of our economy, the bombing in Boston, kidnappings on the news, dealing with a hormonal pre-teen and trying balance our finances after completing our taxes has been an ordeal to manage. And, yet when I look at the pictures of my life, I have to say I'm quite blessed. I whine and complain about the everyday trials of life but they are minute in the scheme of life. If only I could recognize my blessings and Eucharisteo at each given moment. This is what I aim towards. I'm definitely a work in project. In the meantime, I've got my family and friends to grow with. I guess they are stuck with me. The good, the bad and ever changing personality of mine.

The galavanting personality of mine is displayed in my overbooked weekend . Just a glimpse of the great people in my life.

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