All the money on this earth couldn't fix all the problems. And, the sheer fact that people have an inherent desire to supplement their lives with material goods to bring fulfillment. This is sad. I see this around me. The trips, gadgets, cars are just temporary fixes to the loneliness they feel inside.
My girls made comment about how sad it was to see these people and made a bold statement about what creates happiness. How insightful of my 10 year old to share her thoughts.
So it made me think of why I work so hard and to show the girls that creating a career with financial stability is important. We want options in life to do the things we enjoy. We need to provide the basic necessities. Where do we draw the line? When it becomes excessive?
We read this book this month about how a father prepares a legacy for his only child. Creating an option for this adult child. I prepare for this as I look at all that I have accomplished and attained in assets. It's to leave behind a legacy for my kids and their kids. To create opportunities to have quality time with them. To make memories alongside them. I sacrifice the material things I once dreamed of. The custom made home, exotic car, world class travel and substitute it for being a wife and mom. A teacher at a mediocre salary considering I have post baccalaureate education. I'm ok with it. I share everday moments such as first days of school, stories about puppy love, friendships formed, and disappointing moments. I've got a limited amount of years. And, before I know it my oldest will be going off to college. I am gonna soak this in. The days they want to snuggle in bed, ask to walk with them and the big bear hugs in public.