with a stay at home order while Oscar and I work from home, older girls are online finishing the school year and I’m homeschooling the 4nyear old. I’m not built to homeschool.
Just when I think I can’t past another day of the new norm, I am reminded of how blessed and fortunate to have food, jobs, homes and our health. But boy, I’m sad and grieving. The loss of what was normal. The loss of Senior activities and sending my baby away for college, two cousins weddings postponed and many countless other milestones we have to miss.
I think I decided to write. This is history. I’ll be able to look back to see how this has transformed our lives and how we got through it together. Last year, I saw a post on a commmunity page about adopting seniors. A resident who works in the field my daughter wants to go into adopted her and surprised her at work. It was perfect timing. A rough week of researching and presenting Her senior thesis. My daughter was beyond surprised and happy. I have seen many families pull through and show kindness to elders and sick. It restores my faith in humanity and reminds me God works through people. Even during these trying and anxious filled days.
At the start of 2021, our oldest matriarch on my Mom's side diagnosed with the same cancer Abuelita and Mama passed away from and the terrorism that hit our capitol is too close for comfort. 10 days before our historical trip to inaugurate our first madame vice-president of color, I decided to cancel oir mother/ daughter trip to DC as a precaution. I don't want to live in fear but reality is I need to be mindful of my younger kids and how that would affect them if something happened.
What intake from this whole experience is to slow down. Create new traditions, take time for the important things, your health, family, live within your means, enjoy the mundane, find adventures in the daily routine. We have hiked the local mountains, followed the bioluminescent, had drive-by parties, celebrated graduations in our front yard, dance parties at home, cooking contests with my kids, sat for pleasure, did road trips up and down California, exploring the USA and all the states, read to my hearts content, prayed so fervently not for me but others, met my community and just enjoyed silence.
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I am a wife to a former marine, mom to 4 girls, professor, nutritionist, lover of the outdoors, foodie, shopper and owner of an online kids boutique. I love to ready about history, romance, biographies, and religion. I am a cancer survivor of 10 years.
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