I am constantly trying to balance the basic food groups and incorporate them into my daily living. And, teach my children how to eat right so that they can lead healthy adult lives.
Buying whole wheat bread
Fruit: Apples. Oranges, Grapes, Grapfruit, Melons, Berries
Lean chicken
Dairy Products
Using Olive Oil
No trans fat: Margarine
Consuming more water than any other beverage
Vitamins and Minerals:
Orange Vegetables: Carrots and Bell peppers
Green Leafy Vegetables: Bok Choy, Romaine Lettuce
Green Cruciferous Vegetables: Broccoli
All other good stuff like desserts, ice cream, chips and other snacks in moderation. It helps if you don't buy it then the kids are not tempted to eat it at home. It's okay to give it once in awhile. It's trying to find that balance so they eat the healthier food first.
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