Monday, July 29, 2013

Free spirits

What great adventures the girls have enjoyed this summer. Scoping out nature, swimming in waterholes, climbing trees, making smores with no bonfire.  The girls were sad to leave the fun and their friends. It was nostalgic looking at pictures on the way home and hearing their stories as it reminded me of my own childhood. And, I'm so happy to offer these similar memories to my girls. What gets me more excited is that they want to make this a tradition. All these kids ranging from 7 years old to 17 years old were able to let go of their age differences while  playing board games, make smores, find fish in the water and share stories. When they go back to school they have lots of stories to share. These boys and girls who are blossoming into young men and women will have this connection that hopefully lasts a lifetime.


  1. Gr8 pics girlie! I concur w/ ur observations wrt: the kids & fams too. That's what I keep thinking about the most. Beach camping or bust!

  2. Yay!!!! Can't wait for many more to come...

  3. Your pictures are awesome and what a happy post. I love it!
