Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The C effect

I read a TIME magazine article about the Angelina effect. Amazing how this woman has had an effect on other women throughout the world! Her personal decision to have a double mastectomy because she carries the BRAC-1 gene. The IRONY of it all is when it first came out on the news about her decision to get a double mastectomy, I was having conversations with my girlfriends of my decision to get a double mastectomy because of my health history. My oncologist agreed with me. While, it is hard to explain to my children and my husband the rationale, the simplest way to to describe it was my ability to take control of my health and using modern technology to improve my quality of life while giving me peace of mind.

This is the C effect, I call it. I no longer fear cancer. I fight it head on!!! I have so much more to do. More mothering, more living, its not my time. The C effect is now the Cherry Effect. Cancer fears ME. I have the best healer in the Universe. My God and savior has a path for me. And, he can heal me and all the cancer in my life. I go to HIM when I feel weary and low, when my loneliness bears the weight of my shoulder and I'm to weak to fight my physical aches. At the end of this all, I am promised something Great an Magnificent!!! Only I can only dream about. That's what I hold true in my heart.

I can see HIS promises in my surroundings and even when my patience is tested. I can look around and see his love for me.

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