Monday, March 4, 2013

Spontaneous combustion

Sunday started off with the normal cleaning duties. As I put my youngest to work, I was reminded of the days when I was her age. My Mom waking us up on the weekends to clean the house. I recalled the countless conversations with my Mom. History repeats itself, I'm doing the same with my girls. It was nice to clean without a time deadline. No plans for the day. Then it hit me as I scrubbed the stove. It's a pretty day! Let's go to Disneyland. I wait to tell Catelyn until she is done with her chore.

A spontaneous idea turned into a Mommy/daughter date with my girls and catching up with my childhood BFF and her kids. The beautiful day was perfect weather with the sun shinning and a cool breeze. I guess most of SoCal annual pass holders got the same idea to go to Disneyland. Two rides later and watching a parade, we decided on an early Dinner at Naples.

The highlight of my day, a wonderful exchange of the girls excitement to clean the house then enjoy a beautiful day at the happiest place on earth as a reward.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Weekend duties

Waking up early to prep a hearty breakfast for my husband and daughter before a soccer game. I'm hesitant to get up because the pillow on my head is so comfortable but my brain tells me I need to get up. They will need the nutrients to sustain them for the day and I remember how much my husband enjoys getting breakfast on the weekends because he's gone in the mornings by the time I get up.
I whip up something separate of their favorite things. This IS not my normal routine but I'm still in a cooking mood. And, I love to hear them Ohhh and ahhhh when their palates enjoy their food which I determined (intrinsic reward) validates my cooking. The last reward was seeing my daughter's team win their soccer game and I gave her a good start to her day that required a great deal of calories to help her team win.

The rest of weekend was nothing spectular but some greatly needed relaxation with great conversation. We got to spend some quality time with the parentals. I recently reconnected with an old friend from college and learned her parents past away last year. What a good reminder to take advantage of the time I have with the parents as I see them quickly in new eyes. They walk a little slower, ask the same question three times, and have visible signs in their faces of the 60+ years. All of which I am grateful, to have these moments with them to share my parenting stories.

Friday, March 1, 2013


As the week draws a near, I'm reminded about what a blur the week has been. As I sit in traffic reminiscing about the things I've accomplished this week, all I can do is think of food. I'm in a fixated mood to cook, bake and find new recipes online. I'm inclined to help my family reinforce the important value of home cooked healthy meals and dinner conversations. How easy would it be to pick up cooked? What has been a result of my new obsession? My girls interested in the meal preparation and quality conversations.

As of late, I've had more time to contemplate my career path and consider new opportunities that align with my passion and my desire to provide a mark of my existence. What to do? I want to be able to continue to sharing in the kids everyday activities while contributing to the household income. Is it possible to do it all? I think there can be that balance. I just need to trust that I can find the right career that will allow me to do this long term. I know these years with the girls will pass by to quickly and I won't be able recapture the In n Out lunch, star week poster making and walks to the park.