Thursday, December 31, 2015

Holiday transformations

The holidays are a wonderful reminder of what is truly important. The people who surround you throughout the year who take an effort to share their time with you are genuinely the ones you can count on. The year has brought many gifts for our family. The birth of our 3rd daughter has strengthened our bond and completes us. The unity of my family when my maternal grandmother passed away. The health concerns of my parents and mother in law are reminders to keep our health in check and not for granted. With all the recent shootings locally, reminders for my kids to take precaution of those around us. The cyberbullying from peers to hold our tongue to show emotional restraint. When faced with untruths and lies to face them with dignity and truth will always unfold. As a family we have shared many blessings and are surrounded by a strong social support. Even when we had trials that affected our entire family, extended family and closest friends were there to share a listening ear, advise and give it without malice. 

As the year ends, new beginnings and resolutions are made so we can grow. Change is promised for the new year, one year wiser from experience. Positive vibes encouraged throughout the year and eliminating any ill feelings, negative people and freeing ourselves of the hurt. We use our past experiences as learning opportunities to grow ans move forward focusing on the good and greater good. 

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Peace and upheaval can coexist

I've learned to live with the chaos having a family. The unscheduled and unplanned events that come up with motherhood. I understand my ability to be fluid is due to my personality, my upbringing and personal experience. I have to remind myself not all my family members are willing to be that fluid. I ask my husband why he gets so irritated when plans change and his answer is always the same. " I like to plan ahead and know what to expect". This my other half who grew up as an only child and did not have to share a room, compromise with a sibling, care for a younger sibling can be narcissistic at times who cannot relate to how I grew up. I on the other hand always compromising and mediating between my brothers.

I watch my girls navigate through their conversations, arguments and texts with friends. In a way, they have an advantage over my husband. The skill of being flexible is useful throughout life. I watch my husband navigate through raising our kids and see frustration build because having a teen, tween and newborn makes it hard to schedule priorities, leaving the house on time, arriving to our destination without an emotional meltdown or explosion of some sorts..usually involving a diaper and clothing change. So different from his rigid military experience. Having children teaches you to adapt and patience.

This week as I watched the news, I was reminded of 9-11  and hearing how terrorist attacks was close to home. I started texting my husband about the moments ensued and knew his non response was due to his work related knowledge. I waited till he came home and the kids settled for bed to find out what he knew. I take it for granted, feeling protected and safe. We live in a quiet suburban community. We had to address what happened in the same city my daughter practices for soccer.  Kids from my daughters team affected by this tragedy. Colleagues and former classmates in close proximity of the events. I pray fiercely for those who protect us. I weep for the families who lost loved ones. I hope for peace and good will. The events that took place as I got background information while watching the news was chilling.

In my chaos of raising a young family, maintaining my business, I pause. Thankful for the co-existence of peace  in my heart during this upheaval of evil in this world. Admiring the multiple agencies for stepping up and working together and it reminds  of the good in this world. I pray everyday and each year my birthday wish is for peace in Love is the key. Let's make a change for the better. Love one another! For you, our children, our community and our world. We start at home. It starts with action. We set the example of showing love. Not war, hatred, fear or malicious actions..I choose to be the first rather than the last. Even if it not the norm. I will choose right over wrong. Love over war. Peace versus Fight. Good instead of's my foundation and faith which has brought me to this self awareness. I will be fluid to make change for the better my goal. 

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Repeat and Rewind

Life doesn't afford you an opportunity to repeat and rewind. As humans we have a great way to speak our mind but in the same respect we also have emotions. While it is great to be honest, sometimes it can get you into trouble. Why is it so hard to be kind and have loving words to others? Even to our own family members. Especially those close to us their words they say have deeper meaning and cut deep. This is why talking out of emotion is never a good idea. We can't repeat and rewind.

Communication comes in various forms: non verbal and verbal. We often communicate through our tone, inflection and body language. Through text and email, it is always hard to read in between the lines. Once a text message is sent, you cannot take back those words. I believe we have lost the art of communication because of technology. We rarely have phone conversations and face to face interactions because we have become busy. Who has time to dedicate an hour to talking when kids interrupt? How do we as adults set an example when we gossip in front of children? How do we talk to our spouses, parents, our in laws, siblings and friends? Our children are watching! Very closely I might add. They form opinions based on what we share and the conversations we have with one another.

Are we aware of what kinds of messages we are sending when we talk rude? Yet expect our children not to be rude?  Instead we can choose to speak kindly others, lift people up and praise their strengths. Not so easily to do when someone has wronged you. But, doing the right thing isn't always the easiest thing to do. 

My girlfriend sent me a link to a blog. And, it was amazing how parents want to shield and protect kids and shun out others because they are hurt. Reading the blog, I realized I have to show love and kindness even to those that have hurt me and my family. And, imagine the effects if we all did this. The world would be so much nicer. I'm coming to a place where I can do this because 4 decades of experiencing poor communication in the home, work place and friendships have taught me this. The experience alone is enough to make my grey hairs pop out. Now back to life and feeding spirit and souls of my children. I only have so much time left where I can influence them. After that time has passed my influences declines rapidly.

I am trying to maximize my quality of time with my children. I don't get to repeat and rewind. I think about the call I get that my aunt has passed. This is two deaths in my family and it is reminder to continue to hold my babies close to me. Thank the heavens I am given another day to kiss, hug and tell them I love them. To wake up with my hubby as he forges through his day to be the provider for our family and protect our country's interest. God is great! All the time and the sunrise is always my reminder a new day is awaiting to enjoy my present.