Wednesday, March 9, 2016

This little lamb

How appropriate as lent begins,  my girls are able to see my little lamb welcomed into God's family. We were reminded of how much sacrifice God's for his children because his love is infinite.

I always tell my children that there is no greater love than God's outside of mine. LOL! And, HE has plan for them. They witnessed this when family  and friends gathered to see our little lamb baptized. We are blessed for having God's presence come into fruition in front of our eyes and this child be an example.  The little one arrived 8 years after my diagnosis of thyroid cancer. The world is destined for another woman to make change. I had this longing when I was initially diagnosed and when I got the news I was having another child it was surreal. I was in the middle of watching my Grandmother's health declining and  having her say her goodbyes. As a tribute to her, my little one carries her name which means gift. She is a gift. She is a reminder each new day of life is a gift. And, we shouldn't  take it for granted. 

My middle child recounted the day she found out she would be a big sister . Her initial reaction,  was anger. Why? She wouldn't be the baby in the family and I wouldn't have time for her the way she was accustomed. At 10 years old, I was amazed she was comfortable  and honest to be vulnerable and express her feelings. She owned it. I listened to her and then we went to mass. On our way, I talked about the benefits of having a younger sister. It was in the same church where she was baptized and my little lamb would be, my girl apologized to us before communion. She said she loved her sister. And, she rubbed my belly and whispered she loved her already. As a mom 2 months pregnant full of hormones, my eyes wept of joy and relief. 

As I stood up to walk to the baptismal water fountain, I saw rows of family and friends who are family ready to see our youngest child's body get completely immersed in water. Why  is it significant?  It represents new beginnings,  life and the support my child will need as she journeys through our faith. I feel blessed.  My child will grow up seeing these  people and be able to go to them when I pass one day. Thankful to our friends  who are her Godparents and their families.  

Punched in the stomach

If I was to guess the moment, I heard bad news, I'd guess it would usually be at the least likely appealing place. This week, I had to step back from the unsettling news of death of a family friend who is my age. I felt like I was punched in the stomach. A stream of emotions over whelmed me as I recalled childhood memories of family picnics, vacations, and conversations of what we do when we grew up. Some 20+ years later, we lost touch because life took us in different directions but always heard about the ins and outs through our parents. I am saddened because I knew she had health issues and never quite took time to visit her. And, I regret it. I kept putting it off for tomorrow and now she is gone.

I was sulking this week as I am recovering from the flu and tending to my 3 girls who are also sick. Oh the joys of mother hood. The coughing, hacking, blowing noses and vomit are just part of the symptoms. The good thing, we all got sleep and much needed sleep. In between naps throughout the day, I was thankful to my parents for comfort food. The simplicity of rice porridge tastes like gold in my mouth and helps opens up my breathing passages. While spending most of the week in PJs, I got to reconnect with my girls by binging on Netflix series, reading aloud, and making silly videos. My girls all sharing in their misery together and still could laugh together just made me thankful. Their bond so tight and interwoven. My mom used to tell me growing up that my brothers and I only had each other to count on. I say the same to my girls. And, as friendships have shifted over the years, I have seen my two older girls confide in each other as they mature. It makes my heart warm because I know after I pass, I am confident they will be each other's support.