Friday, November 20, 2015


It's funny how words cut deep. But, sometimes it isn't the words that are said in front of you that hurt the most. It's what is said behind your back. I've always said if you have something to say, I'm welcome to hear you say it in my face. I know! It's easier said than done. I value when someone can tell me that I've wronged them. I can own up to my mistakes, my prideful actions and my naivete. I know I'm not perfect. I'm human. I can take ownership in my actions and reflect on them. I can wholeheartedly say sorry. And, it's up to them to forgive me. Once, I offer it up to my savior, I have faith he will take care of it. This past month has been aweful and I never want to experience again. My child and I both felt attacked and betrayed. By people we never would have thought. It's by the people who are closest to you when it is the most hurtful.

At the end of the day, it is your words and actions that speak for your integrity. I'm trying to instill this to my children. And, if anything they have seen me advocate for them. They have heard me and seen how my actions toward other people by using kind words and actions can do.  I have no tolerance for ignorant, narcissistic and drama filled people. I don't have time, energy or enjoy that type of company. But, I pray for them because their words and actions have consequences in front of our Lord Jesus. Life is already complicated as it is with the chaos of marriage, 3 children, aging parents, my career, and nurturing my friendships. Over the years, I have seen friends come and go. If we have one or two friends that last a lifetime, we are so ever lucky and blessed.

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