Saturday, August 17, 2013

Technology rules apply

With the rise of social media, etiquette and privacy issues become concerns as a parent of two young girls. I've had discussions with fellow parents and my own children about individual responsibility and parental responsibility for minors. Since I can remember, I've  come across people who were rude, crass or mean. Now, I see it happening not only to kids but adults as well. Have we not evolved as human beings?
What bothers me most is when people I know in my family and good friends act this way. Am I suppose to turn a blind eye? I can't!! It bothers me. I have to say my peace. That is wrong to treat people with such disrespect.

I become obsessed with thoughts about my own childhood. Trying to recall the issues I had when I was a child and how I dealt with them. Was I able to confide in my parents? Did I treat my family and friends with dignity and respect? And, for the most part I did. I was put in check whem I didn't. I was constantly reminded to respect others and the golden rule. And, more important my parents set an example of grace and dignity with family,  friends and collegues. Even, when they lost all their money when the real estate crash happened in the 1980s. They found who were their true friends when even family turned their back on them and helped my parents provide the basic necessities such as shelter, food and education. And, lastly our family grew closer because of my parents adversities.

I can't change others behaviors. I have to stay true to my beliefs. Teach these values to my children so they can an example of what a Christian should be. I am trying be in the presence of our Lord everyday. Talk, act and think they way our Lord taught us. Jumping two feet in!

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