Sunday, August 24, 2014

Happiness is a choice

When the tides shift of summer vacation  and the stress of a new school year starting brings on stressors. I was recently given a letter from my daughter about not understanding her pressures and emotional roller coasters. I was amazed by her ability to share her feelings and be vulnerable to share them with me. She is that comfortable to open up to me. And, for that I'm thankful. The times when she shares her frustration and starts yelling from not being able to cope with life events. I laugh to myself. This is ME!!! When I get overwhelmed, I yell and get mad. Oh what have taught my soon to be teen? When I am mad. My family knows it and they suffer my wrath.
I've decided, I can change. I can choose to be happy. Everyday. Even when I have 2 cranky tweens. An overworked hubby and coach. I can create a space of peace in my home to remind myself that there are little blessings that happen even under the messy house, stocked pile laundry and sinkful of dishes.
The issues of today are miniscule in the big picture of my life. I am not defined by my job, how clean/organized my house may be and having a rock hard body.
In my class last week, all my students talked about their stressors and how it affects their health. Physical demands of having a family, financial impact it takes on the parents and emotional triggers from relationships. This is universal. What makes me thankful, is that I am reminded once again that I am lucky to have these stressors. I am blesses to be the kind of mother I want to be. Love educating others and inspiring them to make an improved version of "them".
I choose to be happy. Life is too short to be complacent with others who don't share your core values. And, I can't please everyone. I can only be the best version of me everyday!

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