Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Creating Positivity

One of my best friends challenged me to list 3 positive things each for 5 consecutive days and nominate 3 people each day. What I learned is that the things I thought I would list as blessings were not listed and I am blessed beyond measure. For example: I have so many things I wanted to list that I had to prioritize them.

I did it the same day she challenged me. And, what I loved was seeing who I nominated do this same positivity challenge. There are so many things in this life that go sour and we have trials and hurdle that delay our journey. But, if we focused on those hurdles then we miss the chance to enjoy a slower pace and watching the beauty that lies within our surrounding.

In class tonight, I was extremely caught out of guard when several students told me how I changed their life for the better. One student who is morbidly obese  was recently diagnosed with diabetes who has started  exercising with her husband 3 times a week. She validated what I do. She made all the late night grading papers and prepping for class worthwhile. I've always wanted to impact my student's lives but it is rare I get immediate feedback before my class ends.

This was a rough week with battling a respiratory infection and teaching a full load. Thank goodness for these positive moments in my chaotic life that reminds me of the blessings in my life. Especially, when I'm thrown into a new routine as I transition into a system for grading. I am thankful for doing something I love and am proud to do.

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