Thursday, September 4, 2014

Gravity pulls

Each morning I get this nudge right before I get up. It isn't a physical nudge but rather an internal nudge reminding me to be mindful. I start with the silent prayer giving thanks for a new day. It has been a part of my daily routine because of a planted seed. My mother emulated this habit everyday. I watched her say her rosary each morning before work. She always told me she prayed for our family, her patients, peace of the world and I never really grasped the importance of what she did. I thank her for setting such a great example.
Being centered each morning helps me go through the day. It reminds me of the very
purpose I have in my lifetime. I need to set an example for my spawn.
It wasn't until I really sat and listened to their prayers did I see the seeds were growing roots within my children. This made me smile and warmed my heart. So much. It made me cry. When my baby asked me what was wrong. I told her they were tears of joy. 

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