Monday, August 10, 2015

Changing tides

Life has a way of changing tides. I am learning to ride the waves. I am now a mother of 3. It's been over 10 years since I've had a newborn. The memories I had of taking care of a newborn was clouded with bits of pieces missing. The blur of being home the first week is broken into large chunks that consist of lack of sleep,  ways to fit in necessities such as food and showers. My saving grace are my support system. My mother, mother in law, my two older girls and girlfriends. My husband on the other hand has taken a back seat until I had a hormonal breakdown. It is easy for me to expect him to know what to do when to do it but I am not good at communicating my needs. And, as a man, I can't expect him to know what I want. So this first weekend, I told him and not in the nicest of ways. He tries poor thing but I cannot expect anything let alone have him do things the way I do them. This is learning lesson for to communicate consistently, forgive and forget, gratefulness and humility.

I got schooled by my Mom and Mother in law to tell people when I need help. That it is OK. And, watching them teach my older daughter old school skills and our culture is priceless. I remember a time when I could do it all. My way was the best way and getting help was for the weak. Little did I know then. Most of the stress I caused myself. Seeing my two girls mature and become responsible young women tells me they are more capable then the credit I give them. These changing tides require me to let them ride the waves and learn from their own experiences.

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